February 24th – Adopt a Highway

The Dirty Dozen! What a great turnout with 11 Hawaii Kai Lions and one CIS participating in the Club’s inaugural Adopt-a-Highway (AAH) project on Saturday, February 24. The weather cooperated with comfortable temperatures, overcast skies, and no rain. Four teams were formed to pick up trash along Kalanianaole Highway from Keahole Street to entrance of Hanauma Bay. We met at 8am at Koko Head Elementary School entrance which was about the middle of route that the Hawaii Kai Lions adopted. Because we had enough Lions, each team completed their assigned routes within an hour after we started.
We weren’t sure whether it was the wind during the week or that the community and visitors are mindful of their trash but overall, the highway was pretty clean except for the cigarette butts. Although, the team that picked up trash across Koko Marina did use all 10 of the trash bags given to them. In all, the 4 teams collected 20 bags of trash. So, you may see orange trash bags along Kalanianaole during the next few days.
Lions who helped with the project were Jackie Barnes, Kendrick Chang, Cynthia Chun, Kelvin Kaneoka, Walter Kuroiwa, Eric Kvick, Frances Lum, Marty Jorgensen, Ken Nishibun, Susan Uehara, CIS Tony Nakamura, and Ellsworth Fujii. After the project, we gathered for some refreshments and conversation. Thanks to Cynthia and AAH co-chair, Susan for bringing snacks. A nice comment made by new Lion Jackie was that we have “a nice group of members”. We took a group photo at the AAH sign which is at the intersection of Kalanianaole Highway and Keahole Street. It began to rain just when we were about to leave so the weather really did cooperate with us!!! The AAH team was good with our order of vests, trash bags, and gloves and the pickup process went smoothly. The Request for Pickup (of collected bags) was submitted to the Department of Transportation for pick up in the next few days.