September 15th – Lions and CIS BBQ Party
On September 15, 2022, twenty-nine Lions and CIS participated in the joint BBQ party held at the Kalele Kai Condominiums. The event started at 6:00 p.m., with steaks, hot dogs, and barbecue beef being grilled outside of the clubhouse. Thereafter, Dr. Roger Ede said grace and everyone partaked of their grilled protein, as well as the optional side dishes provided by those who attended. After having their fill of food, Ken Nishibun led the BINGO games, with winners of each game receiving a prize. The party concluded with everyone helping to clean up the facility before leaving at 9:00 p.m.
Lions participating in this event included: Cynthia Chun, Dr. Roger Ede/CIS Donna, Sandra Gomes/CIS Randall, Ronald Goong/daughter Robin, Yolisa Ishibashi/CIS Anthony, Stanley Ito/CIS Sally, David Iwana/CIS Iris, Eric Kimura/CIS Wanda, Walter Kuroiwa, Edward Lee/CIS Sandra, Marja Leivo, Frances Lum/CIS Russell, CIS Sylvia Nakakura, Ken Nishibun/CIS Kaleen, Appan Subramanian/CIS Niru, Rick Yee/CIS Lyn, and Kerry Yoon.
Thank you to CIS Co-chair Lyn Yee for coordinating with the CIS and organizing the food list, Appan Subramanian for reserving the clubhouse, Dr. Roger Ede for saying grace and providing many of the prizes, Ken Nishibun for coordinating the BINGO games, and to everyone for attending and participating by bringing side dishes, prizes, and cleaning up. It was great to share the camaraderie and food with our fellow Lions and CIS, with everyone appearing to have a fun time.