Hawaii Kai Lions District 50 - Club Number 14324
The Hawaii Kai Lions Club sponsors and organizes various activities throughout the year, primarily within the Hawaii Kai community, to improve health, support local schools, care for the environment, and maintaining rescue tubes at popular swimming areas without lifeguards. The Club also collaborates with other organizations, providing volunteers for projects such as the Hawaii Foodbank, Angel Network Charities, and American Heart Association’s Heart Walk.
The Annual Father’s Day Benefit Breakfast, the Hawaii Kai Lions Club holds one principal fundraising event each year to raise funds to support the numerous community service projects. Father’s Day Breakfast will be 50 in 2023! Click here for more information.
The annual Holiday Parade which is held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, is an event sponsored by the Hawaii Kai Lions Club and enjoyed by hundreds of participants and spectators. Click here for more information.
Hunger, in which we provide volunteers and/or monetary donations to organizations such as Angel Network Charities and the Hawai’i Foodbank to help provide meals and nutrition for those in need—in hopes that one day no child will ever have to live without knowing when their next meal will come. In addition, we have cooked and served meals at the Next Step Shelter.
Vision and Hearing Screening, in which we perform vision and hearing screenings at the elementary and pre-schools in the Hawaii Kai community.
Eyeglass Recycling: Usable Glasses Can Make A Difference! – Lions and Leos help to conserve sight by providing usable eyeglasses to children and adults throughout the world.
Rescue Tube: Rescue tubes – floatation devices used to help rescue a swimmer in distress – are maintained by us at several spots on the east shoreline: China Walls, Spitting Caves, Rock Bridge, Lanai Lookout, Halona Blow Hole, Makapu'u, Lanakai Beach (Kailua) etc. We do it because, in Hawaii, nearly half the non-resident deaths are by drowning and about 80% of these occur in the ocean.
Youth, in which we provide volunteers and monetary assistance, such as sponsorship of the Kaiser High School’s LEO club and the Boy’s and Cub Scout Troop 101.
Childhood Cancer, in which we provide volunteers and monetary assistance to help improve outcomes for children with cancer.
Senior Citizen, by providing volunteers and monetary assistance to the Lunalilo Home.
Diabetes, by providing volunteers and monetary assistance for better diabetes care and improve the lives of those living with diabetes.