Hawaii Kai Lions District 50 - Club Number 14324

May 20th – Hawaii Kai Lions Sponsoring a Meal for Ronald McDonald’s House

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Hawaii’s Ronald McDonald House is a community supported “home away from home” for families of seriously ill children who must travel to Oahu to receive care. The families who stay at the House come from the neighbor islands, Pacific Islands, or other areas. They are often under great stress and appreciate a home-cooked nourishing meal prepared by caring individuals and group volunteers in the community.

Lion Eric Kvick contacted their Volunteer Services Department and made arrangements for our Hawaii Kai Lions Club Pediatric Cancer Committee to provide a meal for the families. Lion Eric prepared pasta and two sauces, one with meat and the other vegetarian, and parmesan cheese. Lion Cynthia Chun provided tossed salad, and Lion Marja Leivo made garlic and non-garlic French bread. Lion Diane Taira made cupcakes and fruit salad which were to be served together with whipped cream. Two of the residents saw Lion Diane assemble the dessert and decided it looked too good to wait until after dinner to try it. They confirmed it was delicious.

As we were setting up and explaining the three-course meal we prepared, the staff told us how appreciative they and the families were for our support. Afterwards, we were given a tour of the House. We were all very impressed by how beautiful, and peaceful, a refuge it is for the families staying there with seriously ill children. It was also our pleasure to provide these families with at least one home cooked meal during their stay

Categories: Projects

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