Hawaii Kai Lions District 50 - Club Number 14324

May 21st – HI-5 Sorting at Koko Head Elementary School

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Submitted by Frances Lum

Lions Marja Leivo, Diane Taira, and I got a good work out doing squats while, at the same time, helping Koko Head Elementary School sweeten their coffers by sorting HI-5 containers. Lion Nancy Rocheleau came equipped with a stool, so she didn’t have to do many squats. The recent rains made the job a little messier because the containers had filled with rain water. The humidity caused damp shirts. Despite the wetness all over, there was a great satisfaction in seeing the empty recycling cages. The job got done just minutes before the dozens of bags of plastic and glass bottles and aluminum cans were picked up by the recyclers.

May 21, 2024 was the last sorting of this school year. Watch for the next sorting date in three or four months.

Categories: Projects

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