July 2016 President’s Message
Lions, CISs and friends,
Mahalo to everyone who made our Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser a huge success. I was in total awe at the herculean effort of all the volunteers. We served over 3600 breakfast on Father’s Day. This was the highest number of breakfast served in the last eight years.
Last year’s achievements of the Hawaii Kai Lions Club, led by Lion David Iwana will be hard to surpass. The club must now make our best efforts to match or exceed last year with the direction of the new Board of Directors. This group will be well represented by “Woman Power”.
Kendrick Chang our newest member will be inducted by PDG Mervin Wee at our first meeting of the year on July 7, 2016.
Let us continue to support the projects scheduled by our own Lion Cynthia Chun, Chair of the Hawaii Lions International Youth Camp. The Diamond Head Hike on July 9, 2016 and the HLIYC farewell dinner on July 15, 2016.
We will have a visitation by newly elected District Governor Nadine Nishioka of the Manoa Lions Club on July 21, 2016. We will be honored by one of her first visitations to the clubs in District 50.
Finally, let us stay involved and focused as we keep the Hawaii Kai Lions Club as the best it can be. Keep up the good work.
Lion President Roy Aoki