March 2017 President’s Message
Lions, CISs and friends,
Many thanks to those who attended the Zone Social this past month. Lion Darlene Nakayama and the staff at the Chinese Palolo Home prepared an excellent prime rib and mahimahi luncheon for us. Special thanks to Lions Jeanne Alices and Sandy Gomes for putting up a game that was required from each club in the zone. It was unfortunate that two other events that we have participated in the past were held on the same day. The safe sidewalk and Malama Maunalua Huki program, two events we have participated in the past, were held concurrently as our Zone Social.
Mahalo to Lion Cynthia Chun who was able to schedule the vision screening at Koko Head Elementary School. With the completion of the screening, we have completed the vision screenings of all the elementary and pre-schools in the Hawaii Kai area for this fiscal year.
We have some important items to take care of at the first meeting in March. First, we will be holding election of officers for fiscal year 2017-2018. Also, we will be selecting delegates to the District Convention that will be held in early May.
Our Charter Night and Installation of Officers will be on April 21st. We have sent out invitations to District 50 dignitaries and notices to the zone clubs and the Hibiscus Lions Club (the club we sponsored). We received an email from the Nagoya Joto Lions Club (our sister club) that four members and three CISs will be attending this event.
It has been confirmed that our Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser sales will start on April 1st, at the Hawaii Kai Shopping Center. Canvassing will begin on April 9th and will be held every Sunday thereafter except for Mother’s Day. Since this is our only fundraiser, it is imperative that all Lions participate. The more funds we raise from this event, the more we can serve the Hawaii Kai community.
Let us remain involved and focused as we keep the Hawaii Kai Lions Club as one of the best in Hawaii. Keep up the good work!
Lion Roy Aoki
2016-2017 President