Hawaii Kai Lions District 50 - Club Number 14324

December 2018 President’s Message

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Aloha Lions, CIS and friends!

I hope everyone had a  wonderful Thanksgiving &/or Friendsgiving! As our year winds down, we have so much to reflect upon and be thankful for.

Your Hawaii Kai Lions Club have conducted or assisted 14 hearing and vision screenings to our Keiki. Thank you to Chair Lion Cynthia.

Mahalo to Lion Cindy Giorgis for organizing our participation at the Keiki Health Fair at Kahala Mall. Lions Cindy, Marja, Peggy, Stanley and I were surprised at the numerous booths and large turn-out of families.

Lion Peggy did a fantastic job in engaging our members with other Leos, Lions, her friends and Malama Maunalua at the invasive seaweed “huki” pull. Big Mahalo to our very own, Lion Tom Jones, of Gyotaku Restaurant and Nelia Solano, general manager for donating such a delicious Katsu Curry lunch and Lion Cynthia Chun for baking those delectable desserts!

We truly have dedicated Lions who commit to the Lions motto “We Serve!” Without being asked and taking it upon themselves, Lions Marja Leivo and Peggy Oyama together with Kamehameha Lion Karen Pack did a beach clean-up for 3 hours!

I would like to give special thanks to Treasurer, Eric Kvick for keeping our books in order.  I am doing my best to manage a small portion of the accounting (making deposits and writing checks) and I hope you don’t mind the accumulating Voided checks. Mahalo for your service!

We had another successful Hawaii Kai Holiday Parade! A heartfelt Thank You to Committee Chair Lion Ken Nishibun, and Co-Chair Lions Alvin Hayashibara, Eric Kimura, Walter Kuroiwa, Joel Leo and PDG Merv Wee!  Mahalo to All the Lions, CIS’ and Family that participated as Staging Coordinators, Marshalls, Marchers, Shuttling members, photographers, check-in table, decorators, traffic control and of course, Santa Claus!  The Community that participated in the parade as well as those that watched the parade were so appreciative, they were shouting, “Thank You Hawaii Kai Lions!”

Through Lion Ken’s meticulous planning, coordinating and execution I am amazed how he puts on an epic showcase Holiday Parade year after year!  His effort secured our Grand Marshalls the Little League Baseball World Champions from Honolulu to ride on the classic fire truck as HPD’s Chief Susan Ballard (she was having a grand time connecting with the community). and over 1,200 participants! Thank You!!

District Governor Bob Lee made a special appearance to speak to our Hawaii Kai Lion members about the importance of increasing and retaining membership.  He generously returned our monetary gift to him and asked that we use it for our Activities to our Community. He and Peggy also provided our members with information about a Cyber Club. We anxiously await more news about the structure as it appears to be new to District 50 Lions.

Please take note, in place of our Business Meeting, we will have our Lions’ Christmas Party on Thursday, December 6 at “3660 on the Rise” in Kaimuki.  Also, instead of our Board of Directors Meeting on Thursday, December 13 we will have our Lunalilo Home Christmas Dinner with a Special visit from Santa!

May your holidays sparkle with moments of love, laughter, and goodwill.  Have a Safe and Happy Holidays!

Lion President Sandy Gomes


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