August 1st – Kaiser High School Office Front Counter Remodeling Project
Another successful joint project with Kaiser High School PTSA produces another amazing result! With $1,700 in hand from the PTSA, contractor Lion Eric Kvick and his minions once again worked their magic in completely remodeling the Kaiser administration front office counter. Dated from the 60’s, looking drab and worn, the 25-foot counter will now welcome students and visitors with a clean, modern, classy look. It completely matches the beautiful trophy case and two benches that were built and donated to Kaiser a few years ago.
From Tuesday, July 27, to Friday, July 30, master carpenter Eric Kvick and his number 1 minion, Ken Nishibun, toiled away in Eric’s garage cutting, sanding, staining, lacquering and prefabricating all the pieces of lumber and panels. On Saturday, July 31, Lions Ellsworth Fujii, David Iwana, and Frances Lum joined the crew and put all the pieces together. On Sunday, Lions Eric and Ken put the finishing touches to a wonderful service project. This was an intensive project that required 87 total man hours to complete.
Dana Takahara Diaz, Vice Principal of facilities, was totally amazed with the finished product and had only one thing to say: “WE LOVE YOU HAWAII KAI LIONS!!”