August 2019 President’s Message
Talk about “hitting the ground running”, Kendrick Chang arranged a meeting with Councilman Tommy Waters on July 1 at his Honolulu Hale office. Along with Kendrick, Eric Kvick (rescue tube), Ken Nishibun (Holiday Christmas parade), David Iwana, and I had a great discussion with Councilman Waters about the 2 HK Lion topics. Eric presented him a binder with history and information and a rescue tube that he could display in his office. Ken provided background information and invited him to walk in the parade. Councilman Waters was very supportive of both projects and possibly joining HK Lions as a member. He told us about some initiatives that he is working on and asked for our opinion. He was also interested in attending a future meeting to “talk story” with our members to get feedback about community matters. Kendrick will act as liaison between the club and the Councilman.
Then on July 3, it was off to Milan, Italy for the LCI convention. 28 D50 Lions attended the convention along with an estimated 30,000 from all over the world. DG Angie Haramoto was inducted along with the new District Governors from all over the world. As well as the election for 3rd Vice President (Patti Hill of Canada won). On Saturday, the Lions walked the streets of Milan and were cheered on my many, many spectators. It’s an experience that I hope other members get to feel as the crowd seemed to really embrace the contingent from Hawaii, seemed even more than with the clubs from California (in front of us) and Wisconsin (in the back of us). So start planning for next year’s LCI convention to Singapore in 2020. I encourage you to participate in the Honolulu Festival and walk with the D50 Lions in March 2020, a smaller scale, but same feeling of being proud of Being a Lion!
We held our first 2019 – 2020 Board Meeting on June 27 since many on the Board was away in the July. A big “thank you” in advance to all the board members for giving their time to serve.
Welcome new member, Frances Lum, who was inducted by Mervyn Wee at the July 18 meeting. Frances has helped with canvassing and the pancake breakfast. Frances and CIS Russell are terrific additions to the club!
Thank you, Sandy Gomes, for arranging the presentation by Ben and Debbie Nakaoka of Sonix Therapy Hawaii. A very interesting alternative treatment that helps to decrease inflammation of damaged tissues, relieving symptomatic pain to help with the healing process with diseases related to circulatory, blood and tissue disorders.
On Thursday July 11th, Nancy Rocheleau and Marja Leivo had the privilege of participating in the US citizenship ceremony on board the USS Missouri at Pearl Harbor.
Thank you to Eric Kimura who chaired the Lunalilo Home golf tournament at Hawaii Kai Golf Course on July 12. And, to Roy Aoki, Ken Nishibun & Walter Kuroiwa who represented the club in the tournament.
A GREAT Thank You! to Erick Kvick and Cynthia Chun for making a fantastic “Italian theme” dinner at the July 18 meeting!
My apologies for the long July 18 meeting, I will get better with the timing and ending on time!
Thank you to Cynthia for helping out with the secretarial duties while David was on a trip!
“Have Fun while we Serve!”
Arrivederci, Grazie!!!
Lion Ells