December 2017 President’s Message
Aloha Lions,
GIVING THANKS! There is so much to be thankful for….
November brought us Diabetes Awareness and Prevention month. Thank you to Lions David Iwana, Stan Ito and Peggy Oyama who braved a very hot and humid day to assist with health screenings at Tamarind Park to kick off the month.
Our first meeting in November found us joining forces with the Koko Head Lions Club to discuss diabetes awareness. Thank you to Koko Head Lions’ President Gary Nip for arranging the speaker and personally preparing , with the help of his wife, an ono diabetes friendly dinner.
Thanks go out to Dr. Diane Paloma, CEO of Lunalilo Home, for joining our second meeting in November. She provided the history of the Lunalilo Trust and Lunalilo Home, and her vision for their future. We are especially thankful for the use of the Lunalilo Home Clubhouse both in the past and in the future.
Thank you to Marja Leivo who updated our very outdated first aid kit. Thanks to her we now have band-aids that actually stick.
The big event for November was, of course, the annual Hawaii Kai Holiday Parade. Thank you to all the Lions who came out early in the morning and braved the rainy and windy moments to get us off to a great start of the day. Thank you to Lions Eric Kimura, Walter Kuroiwa, Bill Modglin, Alvin Hayashibara, and all those who get us staged and ready to go. Thanks to Lion Peggy Oyama (our official club photographer) and all those who took pictures.
Thank you also, to HPD for providing about 60 officers to keep the raucous lions under control and the members of the community safe.
The greatest, biggest, and heartfelt thanks go out to our Lion Ken Nishibun, who spends countless hours planning and coordinating the parade every year. The success of this event is a direct result of his attention to detail, his organization skills, and his tireless dedication to perfection. Once again, at exactly 10:00 am on the first Saturday after Thanksgiving Lion Ken kicked off the parade to the happy smiling faces of the children lining the parade route. Thank you once again Lion Ken Nishibun. We couldn’t do this without you. Your dedication to service is so very much appreciated.
Thank you from me to our Officers and Board of Directors. Their experience and knowledge is invaluable and they keep me in check. Thank you to Lion Cynthia Chun who steps in as secretary when Lion Alvin is unavailable. Thank you to Lion Kendrick Chang who waits patiently every month for my message, and spends very precious time away from his studies to produce our bulletin.
Finally, thank you to all our Hawaii Kai Lions who truly embody the spirit of “We Serve.” I feel so very privileged, honored, and thankful to be a member of this family called the “Hawaii Kai Lions.”
Best Wishes to you and your families for a Happy and Joyous Holiday Season!
Mahalo & Aloha,
President Jeanne Alices