January 20th – Leo Installation
Submitted by Lion Ellsworth Fujii
The Hawaii Kai Lions inducted new Leos and installed new officers to the Kaiser High School Leo Club
At a special meeting in January, HK Lions attended the Kaiser High School Leo new member induction and officer installation. This was especially special since it was an in-person meeting at Koko Head Elementary School between the two clubs thanks to Frances and KHES Principal Jeffrey Shitaoka. PDG Bob did a great job with the Leo new member induction and officer installation, his first for any Leo club. Although I would have liked more Lions and Leos attend the installation, it is understandable due to the high Covid cases.
Although not getting together physically, the Leos have assisting Lions with Angel Network food distribution and yard clean up, card making for several holiday occasions, and eyeglass Christmas decorations. Hopefully, this is the start of more Lion and Leo joint projects!
Special thanks to Cynthia for putting together a goodie bag for the Leos, which included her delicious cookies.