March 2016 President’s Message
Aloha Lions, CIS and friends of Hawaii Kai Lions!
What a great past month our Club has had! The Lions and CIS participated in many activities including gathering to enjoy the After Glow of Christmas past, Lunalilo Home Lu’au Malama Kupuna award presentation, the environmental project at the Hanauma Nature Preserve Clean-up, setting up tables at the Great Aloha Run, our Zone Social, supporting Pack 101’s Blue & Gold Banquet and talking story about Drowning Prevention. All these, plus doing our vision and hearing screenings!
Regarding the vision screenings this year, it has been noticed by many that a side benefit to having purchased the PlusOptix equipment by Koko Head, Kaimuki and Hawaii Kai Lions Clubs, it has created greater communication, cooperation and friendships. It has definitely has vastly improved and strengthened our Zone!
This month we start planning our leadership for the next year commencing July 1, 2016. The Nominating Committee has been putting great effort into ensuring our Club continues to be lead by dedicated Lions who believe in our vision. On the committee this year are Chairman Lions Peggy Oyama, Stan Ito and myself. The new Board and Officer slate will be presented to our membership during our nominating meeting on March 17, with the election to be held during our April 7 Quarterly Business meeting. As is customary, our newly elected Board will have their installation ceremony during our 43rd Charter Night Banquet on April 22, 2016, to be held at the New Otani Kaimana Beach Hotel.
Spring is in the air, making its debut later in March. It brings with it our continued hope for not only blooming of wild flowers, but growth in aloha spirit. And for the Irish in all of us, have a “Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!”
Lion President David Iwana