March 2020 President’s Message
Hello Lions,
Hope everyone is well and following CDC and State/Oahu shelter-in-place and social-distancing guidelines to stay safe and avoid COVID-19 infection. Who would have thought something like this could happen again with all the medical and technical advancements since Spanish influenza about 100 years ago?
It feels like one of those ‘aliens invading the earth’ movies where the countries worldwide fight against a common enemy, only the alien is COVID-19. We’re all experiencing the magnitude of the stress COVID-19 has put on our health, lifestyle, businesses, economics, financial markets, and long lines at CostCo.
But, we’re also see how people are helping each other, adjusting to shelter-in-place guidelines, being creative, and offering assistance, just like Lions do.
COVID-19 has put a hold in everyone’s life. HK Lions have cancelled or postponed member meetings, projects, Charter Night, Zone Social and Father’s Day Pancake breakfast.
On the D50 side, the District Convention in Maui and International Convention in Singapore have been postponed or cancelled. Understandably, there have been almost daily lifestyle changes requested of citizens in March. Hope everyone realizes the value of friendships, socializing, and dine-in restaurants when this is over.
Prior to the shelter-in-place order, Kendrick Chang provided a refresher on the process of running a project, from inception to completion. The process will be documented and hopefully help with new projects. It is also important to submit project reports to help those responsible for reporting statistics to D50 and LCI.
Thanks to Eric Kvick, Frances Lum who went with me to help at the Miss Hawaii Scholarship golf tournament. It was a windy, sunny, nice day. We were assigned to hole number 6 for Hole-in-One winner who would win an acre of Koa trees donated by Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation on Hawaii Island. And, we found someone who can represent Hawaii Kai Lions club at next year’s Miss Hawaii pageant (Frances already has the ‘wave’ mastered).
On Wednesday, March 11, Eric Kvick, David Iwana, and I visited the Manoa Lions Club. Eric did a great job presenting the rescue tube Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to the club. Manoa LC seemed to be willing to join HK, Koko Head, and Cyber Lion Clubs in signing the MOU.
Thank you to Frances Lum for coordinating the Koko Head Keiki Carnival on Friday, March 13. Lions assisted with games, cooking, and cashiering. From the laughter and crowd, this was a very successful project for Koko Head ES. Who knew that this would be the last project until all-clear is given?
Thank you to David Iwana who is coordinating food and other delivery service to fellow Lions. So far, we have several volunteers but no one who has taken advantage of this service. Please let David know if you need anything. Where there’s a Need, there’s a Lion!!!
Some of you have emailed or texted me with other suggestions on how Lions could help the community, keep sending them to me and we can discuss with Board. So, while we wait out COVID-19, practice safe-hygiene and shelter-in-place.
Everybody, take care of yourselves, family, and friends and we’ll let you know when the next meeting and project is.