May 2015 President’s Message
Konnichiwa! Arigato to Kaz Nakano, the Charter Night Committee, plus everyone else who contributed to the Hawaii Kai Charter Night April 17th at the New Otani Hotel! As outgoing president, I was pleased to announce the Lion of the Year award recipients, Eric Kvick (Treasurer) and Alvin Hayashibara (Secretary), for all their hard work this past year. They brought in fresh ideas and processes, and I feel we have a good idea how to proceed going forward. Thanks also, to PDG Mervin Wee for installing the 2015-16 Board. Getting “the boot” from incoming President David Iwana was fun, too! Luckily, next year’s Board won’t get beaten up as badly with a less “Type A” personality president! =) I know I forgot to thank everyone in my outgoing speech, so please know that I am appreciative of EVERYONE’s support this past year, whether you are a Lion, CIS, former Lion’s CIS, Board member, fellow zone club member, district level officer, or Nagoya Lion/friend. And, oh yes, thanks to my CIS, Loyal Mehrhoff, who has been supportive throughout the year, as I have been MIA many, many times at Lions events this year, or burning the midnight oil, working on Lions stuff! My return to a plebian life next year is hopefully and greatly anticipated.
May’s upcoming activities include a CIS night with computer class May 7th and dinner prepared by Cynthia Chun (ex-caterer extraordinaire), Hanauma Bay clean-up (May 9th), Kaimuki Lions Charter Brunch (May 9th), District 50 Convention (golf on 14th, Convention on 15th-16th), and Koko Head Lions Charter Night (May 25th). If you’ve missed signing up for these events, please contact the event organizers directly to see if you can RSVP late.
Finally, our annual Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast is just around the corner on Sunday, June 21st, with preparation on Saturday morning. Please also do your best to come out and help with Sunday morning canvassing (meet at Burger King at 8 am, then start canvassing at 9), as we need your help to cover the whole area, and if you’re a new member, you will be guaranteed to sell your 100 tickets if you come out each week! Additionally, the next Hawaii Kai Shopping Center ticket sales opportunity will take place Saturday, May 9th, 8 am – 12 pm.
Domo arigato gozaimashita! Kotoshiwa hontoni osewani narimashita. (Translation: thanks!)
President Peggy Oyama