May 2018 President’s Message
Aloha Lions,
April, a busy month, went flying by. The pancake breakfast is fast approaching and will be here before you know it. Sunday morning canvassing in the Hawaii Kai neighborhoods has begun. Every Sunday (except for Mother’s Day) at 8:00 am we meet at Burger King in Hawaii Kai. We are treated to a “gourmet breakfast” with lots of coffee to get our engines going. Lion Ken hands out our street assignments and by 9:00 am we are off to hit the pavement….one of us literally!!! Ticket sales are going well and Sunday canvassing is another great opportunity to get your tickets out into the community. Lion Ken has put sign-up sheets on the website, so please be sure to sign up. We’ll keep at it until we’ve exhausted all the neighborhoods. There will also be another opportunity to sell your tickets outside Safeway and Longs Hawaii Kai towards the end of May. Check out the sign-up sheets for dates and shift times. They had much success there this past weekend.
If you haven’t picked up your tickets to sell yet, or you need more, please contact myself, Lion Sandy, or Lion Alvin to make arrangements to pick them up. We also will have them available for pick-up on canvassing Sundays at Burger King between 8 and 9 am.
Friday the 13th of April proved to be a very tragic day for many in East Honolulu, Waimanalo, and on Kauai. Vast amounts of rain caused raging torrents of water and mud the likes of which haven’t been seen since New Year’s Eve 1987. Our hearts and prayers go out to all those affected by this horrible event.
On Saturday, April 14th, Hahaione Elementary School’s Fair went on as planned. Thank you to Lions Joel and Peggy who handled the parking and also Lions Delwin and Marlene and myself who assisted at the book fair.
A big welcome and mahalo to our sister club, the Nagoya Joto Lions who once again traveled all the way from Japan. On April 19th we all gathered at the Hawaii Kai Library for the presentation of a gift and monetary donations by IPP Lion Yoshihiro Kobayashi and Lion Bill Modglin. We then all gathered in the library’s meeting room for refreshments provided by the library staff.
On Friday, April 20th, another great Charter Banquet was held at The New Otani Kaimana Beach Hotel. 83 Lions, CIS, and guests gathered together for a fantastic dinner and lovely vocal entertainment by CIS Carol Wee and her Friends Quartet. It was my honor to present our Lion of the Year award to Lion Peggy Oyama. PDG Merv Wee had the honor of introducing our newest Melvin Jones Fellow, also Lion Peggy Oyama. Treasurer Eric Kvick presented the Nagoya Joto Lions with a Rescue Tube for them to share how it can save lives back in Japan. DG Blayne Hanagami graciously flew in from Hilo to install our new Board of Directors, for 2018-2019 led by our new President Lion Sandy Gomes. Thank you to all our “Uber” drivers, Lions David, Peggy, Ellsworth, and PDG Roy, who drove the out of town guests around. All in all it was a great time. Thank you to Lion Kaz and all those who helped to make it a very enjoyable evening.
But our work was not finished. The next morning, April 21st, we showed up nice and early to support the Hawaii Food Bank annual food drive. We manned the tents at Hawaii Kai Shopping Center by Costco. Our Lion volunteers collected money with their fish nets while the community dropped off food donations at the tent. Everyone was so generous this year, I’m sure we surpassed all donations both monetary and bulk food items from previous years. Thank you to all the Lions that spent their Saturday to assist with this very worthy cause. Hawaii Kai Lions Club “No Ka Oi ! “
Lastly, on a sad note, on May 12th, we will say aloha to Lion Dr. Bill Modglin and his son Col (our cub) from small kid time until now. Life continues to move forward and Col has grown into a fine young man. He will be heading off to Washington state after he graduates from the Myron B Thompson Academy in May. Lion Bill will be relocating back to his family home in Indiana to assist his family. We thank Lion Bill for all his hard work and fine service over the years. We will miss Lion Bill, his sense of humor, and his son Col as they move forward to the next chapter in their lives. We wish them all the best and much happiness. Please be sure to sign-up on our web site for the Aloha party on May 12th at Lion Eric Kvick’s house.
Mahalo and Aloha,
Lion Jeanne