October 2019 President’s Message
I guess September is the traveling month. Several Board members are traveling, including myself so grateful to have Lions who stepped up to take over for us while we were enjoying ourselves. September is also a busy month with projects, e-Waste Recycling, Storm Drain Labeling, 6 Vision Screenings, and Huki Seaweed pull.
The e-Waste Recycling project was very successful and we had a great volunteer turnout from Hawaii Kai Lions, KokoHead Lions, Cyber Lions, Kaiser Leo’s, and HPD. Thanks to David Iwana for the publicity, Peggy Oyama for getting the permits, and Allen Umeda for chairing and organizing the event for the Hawaii Kai Lions. We were honored to have IPDG Bob Lee and his CIS Pam help at the project and Second Vice District Governor Cindy Lemas-Gillespie from the California MD4 Lions drop in on us when she saw Lions In Service on her way to Sea Life Park with her family. And, I want to personally thank Kelan Yoshioka, Allen Umeda & Phil Sharp (Koko Head LC) for helping me recycle my old huge, heavy TV!
This was a month of also receiving. Jean Katsura donated $3,000 to the club on behalf of her husband Keith. And, IPDG Bob Lee presented a check (left over after paying for convention expenses) to the club for helping him with his District Convention in May. Those who helped with the convention include Cynthia Chun, David Iwana, Sandy Gomes, Stan Ito, and Peggy Oyama. There were 5 other clubs who IPDG Bob recognized with donations.
There were 6 Vision screenings this month, primarily assisting Koko Head Lions club. Hawaii Kai vision screenings will be in October so keep an eye out for sign up announcements.
Thank you to Ken Nishibun for stepping up to gather 5 Hawaii Kai Lions a day prior to the Lunalilo Home September 13th M?healani Moonlight dinner event! I had forgotten that I had sent an email earlier in the month from Iwalani K. AhQuin, Lunalilo Home Director requesting our assistance. Appreciate you covering my back!
We had the pleasure to have Councilman Tommy Waters speak to the at the September 19th meeting. Councilmember Waters has been supporting the Rescue Tube Project by drafting a bill to allow for the project to place rescue tubes on county beaches. We are looking forward to the exciting prospect that Rescue Tube Project Chair Eric Kvick can finally see through the project’s vision to save lives.
I will start to periodically give “shout out” recognitions in the bulletin. This month, I would like to give a “shout out” to Cynthia Chun for stepping in as Secretary for the 2 general member meetings, Board meeting, and participating in 7 consecutive days of Lions projects (she also did other projects in the month).
Thank you to Allen Umeda who chaired the Huki seaweed pull project with Malama Maunalua on September 28th to culminate a busy month of community projects.
Finally, thank you to 1st VP Eric Kvick who conducted the September 19 general membership meeting!
See you when I get back from Japan.
-Lion Ells