October 7th – Kalama Valley Storm Drain Marking
A spirited team of five Lions Club members and volunteers spent their Saturday morning on October 7,
2023 to mark storm drains in the lower portion of Kalama Valley with medallions imprinted with messages to discourage the dumping of harmful chemicals. The markers help to remind residents to avoid using chemicals that can reach storm drains and harm the ocean, which we sometimes overlook as one of our most precious natural resources in Hawaii.
Tasks included cleaning the area to attach medallions at the storm drains, applying adhesive to the medallions, then affixing them to the storm drains. We recorded the locations of the 98 marked storm drains and reported them to the City and County of Honolulu Storm Water Quality Division, which supplied the materials for this project.
Many thanks to the volunteers who joined this activity including Hawaii Kai Lions Club members, Ellsworth
Fujii, Allen Umeda, Bill Kern, prospective new member Susan Uehara, and CIS Lyn Yee.